Air-con has become a very important component in almost all modern cars. As well as being particularly useful in the warmer months to keep cool, it is also useful in the winter month too to demist window screens Blowing Hot Air? Do Not Worry…Call us! Abbeygate Auto Services are air conditioning specialist in Bury St […]
When do I need a car brake inspection? There a number of warning signs to look out for whilst using your car’s brakes…. Grinding – When the friction material on brake pads is heavily worn, it can result in a grinding noise as the brake pad has worn down to the metal caliper. This will […]
If you have a warning light on your vehicle that you are curious, unsure or worried about, then Abbeygate Auto Services is the right service for you. Many modern car features a relevant selection of HIDDEN onboard computers that monitor aspects of your vehicle such as engine temperature and emissions, as well as controlling them […]
Keeping your car fuel efficient A good car exhaust system helps in maintaining fuel efficiency and engine performance. At Abbeygate Auto Services, not only do we replace exhausts, we repair them too. We have a team of experts to handle all kinds of exhaust system problems. Exhaust Systems For Every Make & Model A good […]
There are a number of vehicle checks you can perform both around the car and under the bonnet to help keep it in good running order and prevent a breakdown. Spending just five minutes carrying out these simple checks every few weeks and certainly before a long journey or even a MOT can save you […]
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